Your Self-Care Regimen

Sometimes called “Home-Care”, the ritual you do at home is very important for the health of your skin as well as for optimal results in your complextion intentions. I like to call this rather “Self-Care” because it truly is “tending to...

Are GMO Foods Safe? A Documentary

Are GMO (Genetically Modified Foods) safe?  This is a very important question to ask regarding the current state of our food supply and the impact on our over all health. Fortunately, The Institute for Responsible Technology created an excellent video called Genetic...

Chemical Sunscreens Cause Melanoma

Many people diligently slather themselves and their children with chemical sunscreen in an attempt to help protect them from the harmful effects of excessive sun exposure. But new research is showing that the chemical sunscreens are causing more harm than good. I have...

Refreshing Quinoa Salad

I love this funky little whole grain food. For one it is fun to say, pronounced “Qin-wah”. And when you cook it, the tiny seeds spring open to reveal a spiral effect.  It has a unique, nutty flavor and is fluffy and crunchy at the same time. Not only is it...

Sunscreen Report: What You Need To Know

Physical Blocks vs Chemical Sun Screens The sun, which sustains all of life, is a powerful force. Sun exposure is beneficial to our overall health, assisting the body in producing bone benefiting vitamin D and assisting in healthy brain and hormonal chemistry. But we...